What is the advantage to using the web site?
#Epic login qt update#
#Epic login qt password#
Using your NetID and password to access the secured site, you are able to: The site also allows supervisors, payroll representatives, and business managers to access other online functions such as iForms, Candidate Selection, and BPS (Budget Planning System). The site offers flexibility and convenience to view pay statements online, sign up to discontinue paper pay statements, update home and work addresses, set up or change bank accounts for direct deposit, and review benefit selections and retirement plan balances. Frequently Asked Questions What is the web is a self-service web site that offers faculty and staff the ability to view and update their personnel information at Duke.
#Epic login qt professional#
Explore professional development opportunities and search for jobs at Duke.Access their health care or dependent care reimbursement account.Update their work address (physical location).Using their NetID and password to access the secured site, Duke faculty and staff will be able to: Contact DHTS at 684-2243 (DUHS employees)įeatures of the offers more flexibility to access and update personnel information, which is especially important at Duke where people work around the clock to support students, patients and research facilities.Contact OIT at 684-2200 (University employees).Contact the HR Information Center at 684-5600.Contact Corporate Payroll Services at 684-2642.
Access the Secure Web Siteįaculty and staff can access the secure website now! Having difficulty logging in? Visit the Log-In Help page. Manager Presentation (PowerPoint is a self-service web site that offers faculty and staff the ability to view and update their personnel information at Duke.The web site will also support the university's sustainability efforts by allowing faculty and staff to opt out of receiving a paper direct deposit statement. Your personal and banking information are protected by a firewall on a closed network system and are not accessible without your unique Duke NetID and password.